I feel Sean with me even more so today than any other day as I shine this light in his memory. I hope the light and love I feel for him travels from my dorm room all the way to Elwood and up to heaven. A year ago today, I… Read more“Kaitlyn Corazzata”
Day: January 26, 2016
Debbie Ainsworth
It took me a while to compose what I would write about Sean, but today, a year that you were taken from us, I felt compelled to put it in writing. When I first ‘really’ met you, when you and Corey would ask to have a play date up until… Read more“Debbie Ainsworth”
Kyle Shouler
One year ago today and I still think about you everyday since. My life has truly been blessed with the loving and caring friendship that Sean and I had. His goofy smile and contagious laughs will never be forgotten. I love you so much buddy and hope that you are… Read more“Kyle Shouler”
Allison Biancardi
1 year later and I still feel you with me everyday. For example today, such a sad day, I saw you when I happened to walked into Lecture Hall 14 for my first day of statistics. Sean, I love you and miss you more than words and I’m so grateful… Read more“Allison Biancardi”