James Tomeo

My memory of Sean is a lasting one. Sean has touched my life in so many ways. I had an enjoyable relationship with him at work, as well as just being his friend and someone he could confide in. I find myself playing 914 for the Midday numbers or 9/14 in quick draw when watching a game at the bar with friends. My memory of Sean isn’t one particular incident or moment that took place. My memory of Sean is just him in general, his life and all the lives he touched. He was a special young man that has left an eternal impact on my heart. I find myself talking to him and when I ran for the BOE, Sean and I had a few inside jokes from the last time I ran. When I was elected last week, the first thing I did was hug and kiss my wife, the second thing I did was pull back my sleeve and look at the Sean Urda bracelet I had on. Sean will forever be in my heart and I will do whatever I can to keep his legacy alive. Being able to share memories of him or just reflect is something that will allow everyone to continue to keep Sean with us. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Urda for raising such a special young man, a great friend/co-worker and someone that has touched my wife’s heart and mine forever. God Bless

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